Community Education collects payment information at the time of registration. The payment will be processed in the week prior to start date. You will be emailed a payment reminder at that time. We accept VISA, MasterCard and Discover. Checks made payable to ISD 77 CER can be mailed or brought in person*.
To withdraw enrollment, do so at least 4 business days prior to the start date to avoid any fees.
No refunds can be given for trips or tours after the registration deadline.
*Payers will be charged an additional $30 fee for any returned check. Participation for all members of the household will be suspended until the account is brought up to date.**
Mankato Area Public Schools Community Education (CE) contracts with software providers to securely collect and maintain registration information. Data you provide is used only for the purposes of administering CE programs. This information is considered private and will be kept confidential, between CE and the registered account owner/payer (accounts can have multiple owners/payers).